Welcome to Encounter Church

Here at Encounter Church we pray you find three major things:

  1. We pray you will expierence the real presence of God, and grow closer to Him!
  2. You will meet sincere, authentic people seeking after God and connection with one another.
  3. We pray you will find equipping to live out your God calling to bring God with you to the world in your day to day life. 
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Our Core Values
Here at Encounter Church You will...

Encounter Connection

- By Fostering a depth of connection with God and each other we grow deeper in family and in relationship with God. 

Encounter Authenticity

- We are called to be real. Depth of connection never happens without being fully transparent and real with God and with others.  

Encounter Applied Faith

- The Bible calls for not just faith, but faith applied. We must put our faith to action and follow it with works of outreach. 

Encounter Servanthood

- Jesus set forth the perfect example of coming to serve and not being served. We are here to serve our world and the body of believers. We cannot just receive service, we are called to serve everyone we come in contact with. 

Encounter Collaboration

- As a family we are here do ministry not only for each other but with each other. Every ministry, every aspect of Encounter Church is to be done with a spirit of collaboration and teamwork, with a singular spiritual goal of family and harvest. 

We want to Connect with you!
Visit on a Sunday and fill out a connect card!

Our connect cards allow us to do just that: connect. At Encounter Connection is a core value, we feel God created us for Christ centered community.

Acts 2:42 says: "All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, and to fellowship, and to sharing in meals (including the Lord’s Supper), and to prayer." NLT 

We are created for fellowship, discipleship, and praying together! Here we try to create opportunities to do just that. When you visit us please fill out a connect card so we can start doing just that with you!